by Kellie Curtain | Jan 9, 2018 | LIPS ARE MOVING
Fundraiser Manager for Marriage Equality For ten years we talked about what it was going to be like? Where we would be? What we never imagined was that realisation of this dream would be in a park surrounded by thousands of people waiting for a vote result. We thought...
by Kellie Curtain | Oct 27, 2017 | LIPS ARE MOVING
Creating fabulous food is undoubtedly Maggie Beer’s calling, but it took until she was 34 before she answered it. The growth and success of her business is built on instinct and a good stock of amazing women. Now, at a fighting fit 72 years young, her focus is on...
by Kellie Curtain | May 18, 2017 | LIPS ARE MOVING
Behind ….. Georgina McEncroe Teacher, Comedian, Broadcaster, CEO She is the new Queen of ‘Shebah’- Australia’s alternative to Uber and it’s exclusively for women and children. George McEncroe has officially been in business just two months but already almost a...